By default, Episerver Forms provides 2 actors: Email and WebHook. In some rare case, you might want to customize theirs business.
Email and Webhook actors are easily to extends, and you can easily implement your own CustomizedEmailActor : EmailActor, but both built-in EmailActor and your new CustomizedEmailActor appear in the Setting tab of the form.
Here is the flow of how Episerver Forms do it, and how you can hide the built-in actor, and only show your new Customized-one.
has SetupFormContainerProperties()
It gets all actor-Types, derived from IPostSubmissionActor
having “AvailableInEditView” = true
Then it modifies the FormContainer ContentType, add a property to hold setting (model) of each working actor. By default, each formContainer has 2 properties (one for EmailActor and one for WebHookActor)
// scan content types, scan its properties, modify the property we want
var containerTypes = typeof(IFormContainerBlock).GetDerivedTypes();
// Name of the property is actor name
var name = actorType.Name;
CreateUpdatePropertyDefinition(formContainerContentType, name,
LocalizationService.GetString(string.Format(“/episerver/forms/submissionactors/{0}/displayname”, actorType.FullName)),
-5000 — order * 100);
You can totally hide built-in actor by modifying the ContainerBlock content type, edit the property related to the actor you want to hide, and un-check “Display in Edit View”
Though modifying contentType of Forms is not encouraged, this is safe to “hack”. WebHookActor and EmailActor grafully do nothing if you/editor do not configure it (in EditView/All Properties view of the form).