#Quick #Fix TypeScript error TS5023: Unknown compiler option “compilerOptions

1 min readMay 6, 2019


I use VSCode, sometime after upgrading VSCode (along with the bundled-TypeScript), I cannot transpile (compile) my TypeScript project. Visual Studio Code includes TypeScript language support but does not include the TypeScript compiler, tsc

It seems that the tsc command in console (and in build script) does not have the same version with what I have in VSCode.

To fix it, simple remove the global TypeScript, and reinstall it again with newest version.

npm uninstall -g typescript
npm install -g typescript

You can test your install by checking the version. tsc --version

Another option is to install the TypeScript compiler locally in your project (npm install --save-dev typescript) and has the benefit of avoiding possible interactions with other TypeScript projects you may have.




Written by lockevn

Developer, Sportman. Write code with joy, bake app with heart. Opinions are my own. If you feel I save your time, go http://BuyMeACoff.ee/Lockevn

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