Duplicate a Storyblok space to create new site in different account
You have built an “Outstanding space”, with amazing well-structured Components and awesome Stories, then build website1 for Andy.
Now you want to build website2 for Brigitte, with her own account (Brigitte@gurucore.email) to modify her stories.
You don’t have to use Management API for that. Here is the manual steps
- Go to the “Outstanding space” / Settings
- Check to Duplication, make this space dupicatable by all users
- Save
Back to spaces panel
- Create new space name “Brigitte space”, choose Duplicate from “Outstanding space”
- Now, go to the “Brigitte space” / Settings
- Users tab / Transfer ownership to Brigitte@gurucore.email
You have “Brigitte space” in Brigitte@gurucore.email account